While owning a swimming pool is fun, it needs regular maintenance to remain clean.

No matter how well you care for your pool, the waterline pool tiles may still be vulnerable to stains and muck accumulation. Although frequent cleaning is necessary to maintain your pool, these stains and grime accumulation may require more work.

Clean Pool Tiles Waterline

So, here are a few tips and tricks on how to clean swimming pool tiles effectively.

How Often Should You Clean Swimming Pool Waterline Tiles?

The muck on pool tiles is usually a build-up of sunscreen, body soil, and mineral deposits (scale) that cling to the tiles. If you notice hard-water deposits or stains in the sinks and tubs at home, they will likely develop on the waterline pool tiles.

When the water in the pool vaporises, the mineral deposits in the water cling to the tiles of the pool. This is known as scaling, and it usually appears as grey or white scum, which is often strenuous to remove.

To maintain your pool efficiently, the tiles at the waterline must be cleaned immediately in case of any discolouration. Ideally, the cleaning should happen on a weekly or monthly basis. Remember that it’s much easier to clean dirt and grime in the early stages of the build-up rather than later.

We recommend cleaning the pool tiles using the resources and steps below at the start and end of every pool season.

What You Will Need

  • A stiff or soft-bristled brush
  • Pool vacuum or skimmer net
  • Pool pump (optional)
  • Pumice stone
  • Plastic bucket
  • Melamine sponge
  • Tile cleaning solution
  • Baking soda
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Eye Protection

Step 1: Remove All Organic Matter

Your pool water can have leaves, grass clippings, or other organic matter floating on top at any given point. So, use a pool vacuum or a net skimmer to remove all, if not most, debris before cleaning.

Step 2: Drop The Waterline

This step is optional but quite helpful for cleaning the pool tiles efficiently. When the waterline of your pool is slightly below its usual point, it is much easier to access the stained pool tiles. You can remove some water using a pool pump until you reach the tiles.

Step 3: Use A Scrub Brush

Use a stiff-bristled scrub brush (without any wire) to remove mineral deposits on the pool tiles. Keep working on the tiles by scrubbing in circular motions to cover 3 or 4 feet of width in one go.

If the pool has glass tiles, it is better to use a soft-bristled brush to scrub away the deposits and avoid scratches on the glass.

An old toothbrush works just as fine for hard-to-reach, tight or smaller areas as a stiff or soft-bristled brush. Be sure to wear eye protection to prevent debris from getting into your eyes.

Chemical Cleaners Clean

Step 4: Remove Dirt And Grime

Once the mineral deposits have loosened from the pool tile, remove body soil, dust, and grime accumulation. This can be done by mixing the following in a plastic bucket and scrubbing the affected areas thoroughly:

  • Dry baking soda with water to create a paste
  • A quarter cup of dishwashing liquid and one gallon of water

Dip the scrub brush into the solution and thoroughly scrub the pool tiles near the water line. Likewise, use a melamine sponge to remove stubborn stains.

Once you are done scrubbing partially, splash a bit of pool water or freshwater over the scrubbed areas and repeat the cleaning process around the perimeter of the pool.

Step 5: Use A Pumice Stone

If the mineral deposits remain even after scrubbing, it is probably time to use a pumice stone. These stones are available easily at any home improvement or pool supplies store. Keep the stone and the tile wet while working to avoid excessive scratching. Work gently in circular motions as you scrub along the waterline.

Step 6: Try A Commercial Cleaner

If a pumice stone does not remove the build-up, you can use a commercial tile cleaner that contains substances like sulfamic acid. However, most of these cleaners contain many harsh chemicals; hence, they must be used carefully. Chemical cleaners should not be used after adding regular pool chemicals to the water.

After using the tile cleaning solution, wait a couple of days before treating the pool water with chemicals or going for a swim.

Cleaning Waterline Pool Tiles

If you don’t want to expose yourself to chemical cleaners or don’t have the time to clean your pool, consider consulting a professional pool maintenance company.

At The Pool Co, we have licensed pool professionals with years of pool cleaning and maintenance services expertise. We use the latest tools and techniques to care for your pool-related problems so you can use them all year round.

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