Summer is finally here, with the temperature rising and warm air making your cheeks red!

And now is the best time to throw pool parties and enjoy the season with your family and friends. Pool parties are fun when proper measures are taken; otherwise, they can turn into your worst nightmare if accidents occur.

If you’re a first-time pool owner, you may not know that it’s your responsibility to ensure everyone’s safety in and around the pool. This is especially true since swimming pool accidents are pretty common.

After all, you wouldn’t want any of your friend’s children to trip and accidentally fall into the swimming pool’s deep end. To prevent this from turning into a reality, here are a few measures you can take to ensure everyone’s safety in and around your backyard pool.

Important Safety Tips To Keep Your Friends And Family Safe From Swimming Pool Accidents

Safety Device Pool

1. Enrol Your Children In Swimming Classes

Enrol your children in swimming classes to teach them essential water safety tips. This will equip them with the necessary swimming skills and instil a sense of responsibility when they are in the pool. As family members, you will feel more at ease knowing they understand how to be safe in water.

2. Appoint An Adult To Supervise Children Whenever They Are In The Pool

Always have adult supervision when children are using the home swimming pool. All adults should take turns monitoring the children to ensure constant vigilance. This reduces the risk of accidents and helps in enforcing pool rules effectively.

3. Relying On Water Toys Is A Big No-No!

It’s important to understand that water toys are not safety devices. Instead, if children are not skilled swimmers, ensure they wear a proper personal flotation device (PFD). This is a crucial safety rule that all family members should enforce.

4. Keep Children Away From Openings

Ensure children are kept from pool pipes, drains, and other dangerous openings on the pool deck. These areas can pose serious hazards, and family members should regularly inspect these areas to maintain safety.

5. Whenever A Child Goes Missing, Search For Them In The Pool

In the unfortunate event that a child goes missing in or around the home swimming pool area, the first place to search is the pool, especially the deeper parts. Quick action is crucial to prevent possible drowning incidents.

6. Learn To Perform CPR

You must learn the seven steps of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to save adults and children from drowning. Also, make sure you keep updating these skills regularly.

7. Install a Lockable Water Safety Cover In Your Pool When It Is Not Being Used

Invest in a lockable safety pool cover and use it on your pool to keep children safe when the pool isn’t in use.

8. Keep Safety Items In Proximity To The Pool

As an owner, there are certain items that you must keep in the proximity of the pool to ensure everyone’s safety. They are as follows:

  • Pool cover
  • Clothing
  • A pair of scissors to chop hair in case of an emergency
  • Floatation device
  • First-aid kit
  • Portable telephone

9. Install Tall Fences Around The Pool

Before throwing a pool party, install tall fences around the swimming pool to prevent accidental falls. While you can go for taller fences, those five inches tall should be sufficient. You must also install self-latching and self-closing gates for extra safety.

10. Install Gate and Pool Alarms for Security

Adding alarms to gates and the pool area is crucial, especially if children are around. Alarms that notify you when a child approaches the pool can be lifesavers, ensuring immediate action can be taken to prevent accidents.

11. Install Door Alarms in Houses That Act As The Fourth Side Of The Fence

Installing door and window alarms that detect motion is essential for homes that use the house as one side of the pool fence. These alarms should be placed on any doors and windows facing the pool, significantly enhancing the security and safety of children.

12. Learn Fundamental Swimming Skills

Everyone in the household needs to learn basic swimming skills. This includes being able to dive and swim the length of the pool quickly, which can be crucial in rescuing someone who is drowning.

13. Make Everyone Aware of The Measures They Must Take In The Pool Area

Education is key to preventing accidents. Ensure that your family, friends, and neighbours know the safety measures to adopt when using the pool. This includes rules about not using diving boards without supervision if you have them, as they can increase the risk of injuries if not used properly.

14. Inspect Your Pool For Wear And Tear

With regular usage, your pool will face wear and tear, so inspect it periodically to check for damages. Damage inside the pool won’t be noticeable if it’s filled with water, so you’ll have to drain it. And in the case of above-ground pools, look for signs of deterioration or rust in the metal supports.

15. Do Not Leave Floats Or Toys In Pools When It’s Not In Use

Floats or toys in swimming pools attract toddlers, meaning they’ll try to grab them. If they try to do so, they’ll slip into the pool water, and things will go south if no one can help them.

Kids Playing Pool Ball

Enjoy A Secure Summer With The Pool Safety Tips!

Adding a swimming pool in your backyard will allow you to host pool parties, making summers enjoyable. But during all the fun, it’s essential not to forget the basic swimming pool safety measures you should always keep in mind.

As an owner, you need to know about pool dangers and how to deal with pool accidents to take timely measures. The above list is a quick guide to help you do that.

If you follow all these measures, you can rest assured that your guests will have a great experience and that no untoward incidents will happen during the fun and frolic. However, remember that other precautions might be necessary based on your pool location.

Want to speak to a professional about your pool? Whether you need safety features installed or want to construct a new backyard pool - we are your team. At The Pool Co, our experienced Sydney team care about our customers and wants to ensure your pool area is as safe as possible. So, give us a call today!

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