Over time, exposure to the elements and constant use can damage your swimming pool. The pool surface can become worn, discoloured, or even develop cracks. This not only detracts from the visual appeal of your backyard oasis but can also impact the pool’s functionality and safety.

Pool resurfacing involves applying a new layer of material to the pool’s interior. It’s a significant investment that can breathe new life into a tired pool, restoring its beauty and functionality for years.

But can you tackle this project yourself and enjoy the potential cost savings of DIY pool resurfacing? The answer depends on several factors. Before diving in (pun intended!), it’s crucial to consider your DIY skills, the physical demands of the project, and the potential challenges involved.

DIY Pool Resurfacing: An In-Depth Look

Pool resurfacing might seem daunting at first, but the general process can be broken down into several key steps:

Resurfacing Pool


This is arguably the most critical stage. It involves completely draining the pool, giving pool owners a good look at the entire surface, including any cracks or damage that may have been hidden underwater. For concrete pools, this might involve chipping away any loose material to expose the underlying concrete. Fibreglass pools, on the other hand, typically require a thorough pressure wash to remove dirt, algae, and mineral deposits before resurfacing.


Once the pool’s surface is prepped, a bonding agent is applied, followed by the chosen resurfacing material. Different materials have varying application techniques, so careful adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions is essential.

Finishing Touches

After the resurfacing material cures, the pool must be cleaned and filled with fresh water. Depending on the chosen material, additional steps like acid washing or applying a sealant might be required.

Now, let’s explore some popular pool resurfacing materials and their suitability for DIY projects:


The traditional and most budget-friendly option. Plaster offers a smooth finish and comes in various colours, but it’s susceptible to staining and requires regular pool maintenance. DIY application for most pool owners can be challenging due to the specific mixing ratios and trowelling techniques involved.

Quartz Aggregates

This option combines coloured pebbles with a plaster base, creating a more textured, slip-resistant surface. While visually appealing and slightly more forgiving than plain plaster for DIY application, quartz aggregates still require similar application skills to traditional plaster.

Epoxy Coatings

Epoxy coatings, which come in pre-mixed colours and are often touted for their DIY-friendliness, are gaining popularity for their durability and resilience to staining. However, proper application of epoxy paint during a resurfacing project still requires meticulous attention to detail and ensuring a smooth, even coat across the entire pool surface.

The choice of tools and equipment will vary depending on the chosen resurfacing material. Generally, you’ll need safety gear like gloves, goggles, a respirator, and pool-specific tools like chipping hammers, pool brushes, and rollers.

While some pool resurfacing materials like epoxy coatings might seem attractive for DIY resurfacing due to their pre-mixed format, remember that pool resurfacing professionals have the experience and expertise to handle even complex projects, ensuring a long-lasting and visually stunning result for your fibreglass pool.

The Benefits of DIY Pool Resurfacing

Fixing Pool Resurface

For many pool owners, the potential cost savings associated with DIY pool resurfacing are a significant draw. The cost of materials and equipment can be considerably lower compared to hiring professional resurfacing services. This can be particularly appealing for pool owners with a tight budget.

Beyond the financial benefit, a deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction comes with successfully resurfacing your pool yourself. Transforming a tired and worn-out pool into a sparkling oasis with a brand-new surface can be a rewarding experience. The hands-on approach allows you to better understand your pool’s inner workings.

During the resurfacing process, you’ll gain valuable knowledge about the pool’s structure, the importance of a thorough cleaning to remove rust stains and mineral build-up, and the role of different materials like glass beads in prepping the surface or topcoat epoxy in creating a finished look. This newfound knowledge can translate into better overall pool maintenance in the long run, helping you keep your pool among the best-maintained pools in the neighbourhood.

The Challenges of DIY Pool Resurfacing

Resurfacing your pool yourself is a project that requires careful consideration. While the potential rewards can be significant, there are also inherent challenges to be aware of. Here’s a breakdown of some key considerations:

Physically Demanding Work

Resurfacing a pool is no easy feat. It’s a physically demanding project that requires significant stamina and strength. The process involves several laborious tasks:

  • Draining the Pool: This can take hours, depending on the size of your pool and the efficiency of your submersible pump.
  • Surface Stripping: Removing old materials often involves using tools that can generate dust and debris.
  • Application and Chemical Handling: Meticulously applying the new coating and working with harsh chemicals like muriatic acid to clean the surface necessitate proper safety precautions and handling techniques.

Importance of Precision and Attention to Detail

Even for the most enthusiastic DIYer, meticulous attention to detail is paramount throughout the resurfacing process. A seemingly minor mistake during preparation, like uneven application of the new material, can lead to significant issues down the line:

  • Uneven Finish: Improper application of certain materials like pool plaster can result in a rough or uneven finish, detracting from the aesthetics of your pool.
  • Surface Vulnerabilities: Neglecting crucial steps like sealing the surface with epoxy can leave the pool vulnerable to staining, discolouration, and premature deterioration.

These errors can be costly to rectify, potentially requiring professional intervention to remove the new coating and start the resurfacing process all over again.

The Potential for Unforeseen Issues

The unexpected can also arise during a DIY pool resurfacing project. Hidden problems like:

  • Structural Cracks: During the preparation stage, you might discover hidden cracks in the pool’s underlying structure. Repairing these cracks requires expertise and specialised materials; attempting to handle them yourself could compromise the pool’s integrity.
  • Bonding Complications: Unforeseen complications with the bonding process might necessitate the expertise of a professional pool resurfacing company. These professionals have the experience and knowledge to troubleshoot and overcome unexpected challenges.

Knowing your limitations and recognising when to call in the experts is crucial to avoid turning a manageable DIY project into a time-consuming and expensive ordeal.

Skills and Knowledge for DIY Pool Resurfacing

Successfully resurfacing your pool yourself requires a combination of DIY skills and specific pool knowledge. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

Concrete Pool Resurfacing

Essential DIY Skills

  • Basic Construction Skills: A solid understanding of construction principles will benefit the process. This includes using tools safely and effectively to remove stripped materials and properly prepping the surrounding area for resurfacing.
  • Working with Tools: Comfort and experience using various tools, such as hammers, drills, and pool-specific equipment, such as pool brushes and rollers, are essential.
  • Safety Awareness: Resurfacing a pool involves working with harsh chemicals and potentially hazardous tools. Following proper safety protocols, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), is paramount to avoid injury.

Pool-Specific Knowledge

Beyond general DIY skills, you’ll need a good grasp of pool resurfacing techniques and materials. Here’s what to consider:

  • Researching Materials and Techniques: Before diving in, it’s crucial to research the specific resurfacing materials you plan to use. Each material, like plaster or epoxy coatings, has its own application process and requires specific know-how to achieve a successful outcome.
  • Understanding Chemicals: Pool resurfacing often involves using chemicals like trisodium phosphate for cleaning and muriatic acid for etching the surface. A comprehensive guide on safely handling and applying these chemicals is essential.

Learning Resources

The good news is plenty of resources are available to help you on your DIY pool resurfacing journey. Online resources and instructional videos can provide valuable insights into the process, demonstrating proper techniques and offering helpful tips for a smooth project.

However, it’s important to remember that most people lack the experience and expertise of professional pool resurfacing companies. If you’re unsure about your DIY skills or the complexity of the project, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and consult with a professional. They can assess your pool’s specific needs and recommend the right materials and approach to ensure a long-lasting and visually stunning result.

Your Backyard Oasis Awaits

A sparkling pool is the heart of any Aussie summer. But when the surface shows its age, the question arises: DIY resurfacing or professional help? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Consider your DIY skills, project complexity, and budget. If you’re handy and have the time, DIY resurfacing can offer cost savings. However, remember – pool resurfacing requires specific knowledge, meticulous attention to detail, and working with harsh chemicals. Even a minor mistake can lead to costly repairs.

For a stress-free experience and guaranteed quality results, consider partnering with a trusted pool resurfacing company like The Pool Co. Our team of experts in Sydney has the knowledge and expertise to handle any pool resurfacing and pool finishes project, big or small. Contact The Pool Co today for a free consultation or quote, and let’s transform your backyard into a shimmering oasis you can enjoy for years to come.

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